One of the DREAMs of my LIFE..,

Its one of my dreams in my life to start an organisation, which is like an NGO, TRUST or INSTITUTION.

there are  people in our country with tremendous TALENT, HARDWORK and  INNOVATIVE KNOWLEDGE. Becouse of laking BIG PUSG in the biggining of their action they are not coming to lime light. We r losing not them but their priceless talent and thought process. for them my organisation will be a pusher.

What i mean to say is my organisation will recognise people like them, peolple here means not physical entities but THOUGHTS, which have tremendous potential to change lifes of so many people.

what we need?

1. One good name for organisation?

  which mostly from my grand fathers name..... KILARI RAMULU. He is the person gave rebirth to me by his thought process.

2. One tag to the  name?

3. Registration process?

4. TEAM?
  a) which should have all the designations like a 21st century corporate company.
  b) the only criteria for membes is.... "their commitment towards service without expecting anything"
  c) Time : members should give minimum time to impliment the organisation AIMS.

5. Membership?
 There are few objectives  to fullfil by the people to get membership in the organisation.
 there are some exceptions for this: means few may get membership by their achievements in the process. for example winners and their family members of a TALENT TEST can get  free membership by their voluntery willingness etc....

6. AIM?

7. Objectives of the Organisation ?

 a) Identifying young talent in the society and give support to their thoughts.
    Conductiong Talent Tests on annual basis. at different stages. there should be a prize money for the rankers.

 b) Boost to the ideas, which have tremendous capability to bring structural changes in society.

 c) Giving helping hand to the students at school level in the initial stage of the organisation. later it will extends to the college level, university level and competitive level finally. if everything goes in a good manner it will ectends to multiple dimentions.....
                         (like giveing initial investment support to the business ideas too.... based on the business model and its possibility in that particular area. for this one BOARD will be constituted, the plans, proposals and ideas like these will put on the board table. It will carry the detailed research work on that and give final report. Then final decision Body will make a Decision on the proposal. )

 d) Marvelous talent should not die without getting an oppourtunity to proove.

 e) Giving initial fire to the brillient ideas is more importatnt than anything.

8. Decision Making Body (DMB)

9. Board
   which have multiple persons have knowledge in various fields and had experience in those sectors.

   If needed the board will form committees to study the particular idea in 360 degrees and make recommendations. The committee will do research on that particular proposal.

10. Fund Raising:

     Its very  important for realising the  all ideas and objectives of the organisation.
     There should be an auditing in a time bound manner. and management of the organisation is answerbale to each and every rupee.

11. Media Wing:

    It will works on publicity of the organisation and announcements of the organisation.

12. Review TEAM:

13. Meetings:

  there should be regular meeting at various levels.... like Board meetings, committee gatherings and DMB meetings.



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