22 MARCH 2020


The whole world shaking with an health epidimic virus today. No corner in this world excepion for this today. its everywhere CARONA.... CARONA.... CARONA today.

Its all started in china few months back. Now its extended all over the world. INDIA not at all an exception for this too. To tcontrol this epidimic indian govt tooking so many mesures, including cancelling all international flights from 22 march onwords. 

after identifying few COVID 19 cases positive all over india, particularly in the states like telangana, kerala, maharastra and delhi.... central  govt speed up the measurs to curtail the worest form of health situation. In this process Prime minister of india Mr Modi gave a call to the nation few days back.... called JANATA CURFEW. I think its first of its kind i have ever seen in my life and i no where read about it.  its like this.....    

PM Modi had proposed the ‘Janata Curfew’ on Sunday between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. as part of social distancing to check the spread of the deadly coronavirus.

         As part of my self interest to know the social behaviour of people in various times and situations i took a bike drive in the streets if vizag city between 9.30 AM to 10.00 AM on 22 march 2020. i was literally shocked actually...! yes.... its true.... i wondered too. and once again i respect towards vizag and people particularly raised once again. because all the streets are completely free. no where no person are visible in streets. not even balconiess and varandass also. almost all doors of houses closed, cars are parked in a proper way in different places and there is hard situation at all. There is a police gusties in the junctions and also petrolling.  In the way of my drive they stopped me and asked the reason to come out of home. I said what i write in this article. they excused me and said go to the home as soon as possible. 

         I never seen a day like this and not even expected also. it was really a great idea. People of this country have graet faith on the govt, and they are all one whenever hard times come. There are lot of mediums to creat awareness about on various issues. particulary a situation like this occured suddenly, those plays a vital role. like Telivision channels, news papers, magazines and social media, mobile phones and apps etc. Apart all these measures govt taking so many other precarsions too. But with out participation the people in the administration these are all not give good result. because its their part play a key role in any tuye of activity in a country or society. 

Govt objectives: 

     There is no doubt about the the decision of SOCIAL CURFEW. its intention is well defined and need of the time too. stopping the virus from spredding one of the main objective behind this. at the same time creating awerness among people about the situation also important. because it s them to take care about themselves first. So by doing this we can touch the people nook and corner of the country.

People participation is the most important thing in any developmental process and also facing a situation like this. by giving a call like this PM Modi achieved his mile stone that is " creating awerness among prople and also making them to take part in this war against the bloody deadly virus".


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