1. Briefly discuss the conflict areas between RBI and the govt? and discuss about RBIs autonomy and challanges?

2. what are the objectives behind banks nationalization in india?

3. Briefly discuss about Land Reforms in out country? and give some reasons to its failure ?

4. How green revolution started in india? and what are the targets  India achieved the aftermath of GR?

5. Discuss cropping patterns in india. Write about recent changes in the cropping patterns?

6. Explain about farm subsidies? and at how these subsidies posses burden to economy, suggest few reforms in our subsidy system for better management and development.

7. India raised to 70th rank in world bank ease of doing business in 2018 year from 130 plus rank before two years. elucidate the reasons for its increased rank.

8. What are the FCI objectives and achievements? give some recommendations for restructuring the FCI.

9. what is food management? why it is needed? what are the challenges of food, and how we manage the effective food security in india.

10. Explain about govt agenda to double farmers income by 2022? Describe various measures which govt took in recent times and Ashok dalwai committee recommendations?

11. Why independent India choose industry as the prime moving force (PMF) in economy instead of agriculture?

12. Why was independent India gave too much importance to the public sector in industrial development?

13. Write the major objectives of planning?

14. India faces Spatial Heterogeneity in Entrepreneurial Activity. Critically Examine. Also,
explain the relationship between Entrepreneurship and GDP.

15. What are the major Determinants of Entrepreneurial Activity which are limited to district level
conditions? Also, throw light on Social and physical infrastructure as major Determinants of
Entrepreneurial Activity.

16. The Economic Survey 2019-20 says that wealth creation through the ‘invisible hand’
supported by the ‘hand of trust’ is sustainable for Indian economy. Analyse. Suggest some
viable alternative mechanism to take off from the current slowdown.

17. It is said that ‘pro-crony’ economy should be replaced by ‘pro-business’ economy for the
realization of $5 trillion economy goal. In the light of the statement bring out a list of
suggestions for wealth creation in the country amidst the new challenges.

18.  Will a rise in the minimum support price (MSP) solve the problem of farm distress? Critically examine.


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