Indian History 

1. Assess the impact of geography on the history of India? 

2. India is a land of unity and diversity - elucidate.

3. Write a note on the impact of the Indian gangetic plains on the history of India? 

4. Trace the origin and evolution of the harappan culture?

5. Write a brief essay on the premises historic period in India? 

6. Describe the socio economic condition of the harappan civilization?

7. Give a brief account of the socio economic life of the Rig vedic Aryans? 

8. Assess the political and social conditions during the later vedic period?

9. Give a brief account of the life and teachings of Buddha?

10. How did Buddhism become a world religion?

11. Sketch the life and teachings of mahavira? 

12. Describe the reasons for the decline of Buddhism in India? 

13. Assess the impact of Persian invasions on India?

14. Describe the rise of magadha and the achievements of its rulers? 

15. Give an account of Alexander's invasion of India? 

16. Mention the efforts taken by ashoka for the spread of Buddhism?

17. Assess the significance of mauryan Art?

18. Give an account of ashokas achievements and his policy of Dhamma? 

19. Write in detail the salient features of the Mauryan Administration?

20. Mention the cultural contributions of satavahanas?

21. examine the salient features of the Gandhara Art? 

22. Assess the achievements of Kanishka? And his contribution to the Mahayana Buddhism?  

23. Write a note on Sangam period? 

24.  Write a brief account of Fahien's visit to India and his observation on India? 

25. Examine the salient features of Gupta Administration? 

26. Describe the socio economic life under the rule of Guptas? 

27. Write about Art,  Architecture and literature in Guptas Empire? 

28. Examine the cultural contributions of the Guptas? 

29. Write a brief account on the NALANDA university? 

30. Estimate the contributions of Harsha to Buddhism? 

31. Describe the administration and society under Harsha as explained by Hiuen Tsang?

32. Examine the administration system of the Pallavas? 

33. Assess the cultural contributions of the Pallavas? 

34. Mention the salient features of the Pallava Art? 

35. Write a brief account on NARASIMHAVARMAN 1 of pallava dynasty?

36. Give an account of the development of art and architecture under the chalukyas of Badami?

37. Evaluate the cultural contributions of the Rastrakutas? 

38. Write the development of Tamil Literature under the Cholas. 

39. Describe the salient features of the Chola's Administration? 

40. briefly trace the evolution of congress policy towards the princely states after 1857 till 1947 ?

41. what do you understand by the policy of sub ordinate union ? what were its effects? 

42. why was the buttler committee set up in 1927. what were its major recommendations?

43. why was CONGRESS KHILAFAT SWARAJ PARTY   formed? what were the achievement of CKS PARTY?

44. Why did M.GANDHI bring about final compromise between PRO changers and NO changers ? 


46. Dravidian movement and its impact on indias politics ?

47. What are the characteristics of Non Cooperation Movement?

48. A) Why was the NON COOPERATION Movement launched by INC ? 
       B) What was the clear programme of ACTION?

49.  A) Why was the NON COOPERATION Movement resolution passed in 1920? 
       B) How did M K GANDHI get the support of INC to the programme of NON COOPERATION?

50. Explain the background for TILAK to launch HOME RULE campaign? what was the programme of home rule?

51. Clearly bringout the significance of HOME RULE campaign and its impact?

52. How the revolutionary terrorism phase 1 differs with revolutionary terrorism phase 2 ?

53. How nehru gave scientific foreign policy to the country?

54. Why did the INC increasingly accept socialism as its socialist ideology and also for independent india? 

55. It was J NEHRU to lead the basis for socialist ideology based on scientific considerations in the congress? Do you agree? 

56. The raise of socialism in the congress had a lasting impact not only on indian national movement but also on  post independent india? 

57.  Though BOSE & NEHRU made efforts to consolidation socialism in congress, their inspiration  & understanding was different. ELUCIDATE.

58. from SIMON commission to declaration of PURNA SWARAJ in 1929 was a logical evolution / sequence?

59. What was the GANDHIES 11 POINT DEMAND ? and how it leads to launching the SALT SATYAGRAHA?

60. How the govt of india act - 1935 indicates the british commitment towards indias indepenedence?

61. The congress decision to participate elections in 1937 is a paradox?

62. Bring our the chief points of the GOI ACT - 1935? What was the responce of INC ? 

63. Bring out the implications of Govt of india ACT - 1935 lead to indias independence ? 

64. Why subhash bose formed FORWARD BLOCK ? What is it theames ?

65. What is the difference berween M. GANDHI and S.BOSE ?

66. What was the WORLD WAR 2 impact on indias national movement ? 

67. Why was CRIPPS MISSION failed ?

68. What are the chief characterstics of QUIT INDIA movement ? How it was different from CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT or previous movements ? 

69. Why was SHIMLA CONFERENCE summit ? what was the output ?

70.   A ) What was the RAJAJI  FORMULA ?
       B) What was its significance ? 

71. How did the cabinet mission plan seak to resolve the communal dead lock by preserving the territorial unitory of india ? 

72. Why INC accepted partition of india? what are the situations lead to INC for this acceptence ?

73. INC failed to combat communal political ideology at ideological level and also at the methodological level. ELUCIDATE.

74. To what extent did religious pluralism in the indian society contribute to communal politics?

75. How did British encouraged communal politics in india ?

76. What was the policy of "MASTERLY INACTIVITY", what was the outcome? (about frontier policy of British india govt)

77. Explain the FORWARD POLICY of english w.r.t AFGHANISTHAN ?

78. Explain the basic factors for the raise of COMMUNAL IDEOLOGY in india ?

79. The 1937 elections & the govt of india act - 1935 mark a watershed in communal political developments in british india. do you agree ?

80. Explain the ROLE of SARDHAR VALLABHAI PATEL in integration of princely states ? 

81. How is the growth of capitalist class in india different from other colonies ? 

82.  A) Describe the attitude of the indian capitalist class toward nationalism ?
        B) Explain the attitude of INC towards indian capitalist class?

83. Explain briefly about the British india policy towards the NORTH WEST FRONTIER ?

84. Write about the PEASANT MOVEMENTS in British india under the impact of NON COOPERATION movement ?

85. Why was CHARLES WOOD DISPATCH - 1854 called the magna carta for english education in British India ? 

86. Why was FORWARD BLOCK formed ? Discuss its AIMS & PROGRAMMES of action ?

87. How did the freedom of press become an integral part of Indias Independence Movement ?

88. Nationalist agitation in British india gave central importance to maintain the freedom of press. What were the reasons ? 

89. Briefly mention the major regulations brought by the British govt against the press and discuss the consequences ? 



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