comparison is a foolish thing

                                      people generally have the tendency to comparison two are more persons or more than two actions, which were done by the various persons. as long as these are all relating to a general conversation there will be no problem. but once you are on a public platform you should be very much careful while you are giving a speech or lecture or discussion. because a lot of people will observe you and somebody will influence by your words.

                                       recently I faced a situation like this. one person while giving his public talk, he compared Mahatma Gandhi with Dr. B R Ambedkar on the issue of the communal award, which was brought by the British govt in 1932. in mid of his talk, he mentioned few words regarding Gandhi's opposition to communal award. he said that Gandhi was completely opposite to the depressed classes upliftment. and he was not at all interested in the political rights of Dalits.  that is why he did fast unto to death in errawada jail, Poona in 1932. end he never did like this for India's independence. this is briefly about his talk. when I hear these words, first I shocked and slowly I begin to think about concerned speakers thought the process and his final decision on this particular issue.

                                         I thought that it is a completely a weak statement. because Gandhi is always  have the tendency to respond above issues. he already proved his will towards depressed classes in south africa before. so there is no need to prove his unbiassed nature now. when we are talking about persons particularly and forgetting their ideas it will be the most unproductive and unhealthy situation. and there is no use also.


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