Difference between written and unwritten constitutions..!!


Constiutution is nothing but a LAW, but its "law of the land".

It applies to the people of the country irrespective of cast, religion, region, gender, age and creed.


1. Its a product of deliberate Human Action. meaning particularly a group of people or a committe or a commision formed to the purpose of writing the constitution.

2. It was drafted by an agency.., called for example Constitutional assembly in india.

3. There is a fixed time for this process of writing and time and date clearly mentioned, for the forcing of the constitution.

4. Written constituion is generally regid in nature. that means we can not change the constitutional law like a general ordinary law. the process for amending the constitutional law is something different from ordinary law. meaning the distinction between constitutional law and ordinary law should maintained.

5. Written constitution is also termed as an Enacted constitution.

6. First written constitution in the world is USA. few other are France, india and germany.


1.  Its not a result of conscious and deliberate efforts of the people.

2. It was developed in the process of making through conventions & usages.

3. for example British Constitution does not have any document, which can be called as Constitution.., but it is embodied in the written form with in statutes, court judgements, treaties, parliamentary constitutional conventions and royal prerogatives.

4. It is a combination of customs & convenmtions. which are not drafted by anybody.

5. It is the result of GROTH. That means Historical  development and  Growth. 

6. It is a unsystematic, Indifinite and Unpresise document. there is no fixed time and date for the force of this law and body to codify the law as well.

7. This type of unwritten constitution was started in Britain in 13th century. particulary in the year 1215 KING JOHN was issued a charter regarding freedom rights of british people. since it was developed as a constitution by inculcating the conventions, laws, resolutions, king orders and so many. 

thank youuuuu,


naveen kumar yenni


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