1.what is the value? what are the values prescribed in the Indian constitution?

2. what is justice? and explain the Gandhian viewpoint of justice?  

3. "good of one is good of all" statement given by Mahatma? explain. (it is all about Sarvodaya concept of Mahatma Gandhi)

4. write the difference between the parliamentary form of democracy and the presidential form of democracy?

5.what are the principles of natural justice?

6.what is the nature of fundamental rights? what are characteristics of fundamental rights?

7. write the basic features of the Indian constitution?

8. What is dravidian movement?  discuss the changing nature of  Dravidian movement?

9. Criminalisation of politics possing threat to Indian democracy, the supreme court recently commented on a PIL. What are the ways that lead to Criminalisation of politics.

10. What is AFSPA?  How it works in North East India? Why it faces huge criticism from native people of North East India? Elucidate.

11. Naxalisam is a National security threat Owing to incoherent and shifting ideological principles. Analyse.  200 words

12.  Discuss critically the arguments made against government s war on naxalism. 

13.what is Bureaucracy? Explain about pluralistic theory of Bureaucracy? Write down the merits of this theory?

14. Elucidate Max Weber's theory of Bureaucracy? 

15. What are interest and pressure groups?  Explain their objectives and functions. How they are influencing political parties decisions, legislatures and public policies?

16. Briefly discus various forms of representations in an Electoral system? 



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