Paper 1 Questions -Geography for Mains

1. Explain the factors influencing the Distribution of population in the world?

2. why inhabitations of coastal and plain regions are engaged in fishing and agriculture respectively? what are the physical and social factors which affect the type of primary activities in different regions?

3. Differentiate between nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing.

4. discuss the important characterstic features of plantation agriculture. name a few important plantation crops from different countries.

5. Why do large scale industries choose different locations? what factors influence for this?

6. What are the rural and urban settlements? mention their characteristics.

7. discuss the problems associated with urban settlements in developing countries? (imp)

8. How do nations gain from International trade?

9. what benefits do nations get by forming trading blocs?

10. "In a well managed transport system, various modes complement each other" elucidate the statement?

11. Why does international trade exist? what are the basis of international trade?

12. Discuss the significance and growth of the service sector in modern economic development?

13. Explain in detail the significance of transport and communication services?

14. Explain why high tech industries in many countries are being attracted to the peripheral areas of major metropolitan centres.

15. Africa has immense natural resources and yet it is industrially the most backword continent. comment?

16. Discuss the major trends of modern industrial activities especially in the developed countries of the world?

17. What do equity and sustainability refer to with in the concept of human development?

18. Discuss the factors responsible for imbalances in the sex age found in different parts of the world and occupational structure ?

19. give an accoumt of the occupational structure of indias population ?

20. Discuss the consequences of international migration in india?

21. What are the socio demographic consequences of migration?

22. Which factors have caused spatial variations in the levels of human development among major states in india?

23. Discuss the features of different types of rural settlements. What are the factors responsible for the settlement patterns in different physical environment?

24. What are the different types of environmental problems of land resources in india ?

25. Whar are the important strategies for agricultural development followed in the post independence period in india ? (imp)

26. The depleting water resources may lead to social conflicts and disputes. elaborate it with suitable examples?

27. What is watershed management? Do you think it can play an important role in sustainable development?

28. Write a detailed note on the petroleum resources in india ?

29. How did the SWADESHI MOVEMENT give a major impetus to the cotton textiles industry ? (important )

30. What do you underatand by liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation? How have they helped industrial development in india?  (important)

31. Write short notes on drought prone area programme. how does this programme help in the development of dryland agriculture in india ?

32. Which are the chief means of transportation in india? discuss the factors affecting their development.

33. Give a detailed account of the development of railways in india and highlight their importance.

34. Describe the role of roads in the economic development of india ?

35. Write a note on the changing nature of the international trade of india?

36. Describe the composition of export and import trade of india ?

37. Describe the problem of SLUMS in india ?

38. Suggest measures for reduction of land degradation ?

39. Discuss Oil and Natural gas areas in south asia excluding india ?



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